Terms Policies & GPDR
We take your privacy very seriously and any information you provide will not be shared by ourselves to third parties unless we have your prior express agreement. This website does not use cookies.
Your data will be captured via:
1) Website enquiry form
Name, address, telephone number and email address
Printed and held for 7 years if the person becomes a customer, 2 years if not
Enquiry form emails deleted after 1 month
Used for Customer work requirements and contact
2) Job sheets
Written form only (name, address,telephone number and email address)
Held for 7 years and 2 years (see 1) above)
Used for customer works, contact and recording telephone enquiries
3) Invoices
Written form only - 3 copies = customer, office and accountants
Name,address,telephone number only
Held for 7 years (HMRC requirement)
office copies used for book-keeping and repeat customer reference
4) Diary
Written only - name, address, telephone number occasional email address
Held for 7 years
Used for customer contact and appointments, recording telephone enquiries and subsequent appointments
5) NO data is passed to third parties (other than Accountants and HMRC)
6) To request data removal persons should do so through the website enquiry form specifically addressed to Martin Wale
7) Repeat customers will be asked verbally for permission for further sales contact - which would be by telephone
If further to this they wish data removed refer to 6)
Leather Rescue is owned and operated by
Leather Rescue, a limited company registered in England and Wales Company number: 06411788 Our registered office is:
Leather Rescue Ltd, 39 Arnold Road, Stoke Golding, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV13 6JG
Copyright : Leather Rescue 2018. All Rights Reserved.